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Pagrindinis » Siuntiniai » PC Žaidimai

Informacija PC Games Kategorija: PC Games
Dydis: 3.46 GB (3,716,551,240 B)
Įdėta: 2007-10-23 01:53:52

NBA Live 08 (c) Electronic Arts

23/10/2007 :.. . protection ..: SecuROM

1 :.... DVD(s) . genre .......: Sport

Providing   an  unrivaled  level  of  authenticity,  NBA  LIVE  08
introduces  hot  spots, using real NBA shot data to illuminate the
locations  on  the  floor  where  your players are most effective
Couple  this  with  all-new signature go-to moves that capture the
essence  of  the  NBA's  best,  and you can now play the game on a
console like you see it from the stands

All-new  quickstrike  ball-handling:  Whether you're pushing the
ball  upcourt  or  backing down a defender inside, quicker, more
responsive ball-handling moves allow you to break down opponents
and take complete control of your game

Own  the paint: Put the ball in the hands of your big men and go
head-to-head  in  the  lane.  With  all-new  moves and counters,
including pump fakes, drop-steps, and spins, post play has never
been better

Hot  and cold: Use the actual NBA shot tracking data to know who
to  feed  and  who to defend. An all-new on-screen overlay shows
you exactly where a player is most dangerous

Go-to   moves:   Every   player  has  a  go-to  move  that  they
consistently  go  to  when  the  game  is  on  the line. Now the
signature  go-to  moves  of  the  NBA's  best  players have been
realistically  re-created to help you score when it counts. That
patented  step back jumper? A fadeaway with the big leg kick? If
it's in the game, it's in the game

New look and feel: 5-on-5 gameplay has never looked so good. The
game  features enhanced player spacing and behavior logic in the
half-court,  upgraded  passing  and rebounding mechanics, and an
all-new two player interaction engine

All-new  shooting  mechanics:  From  deep three-point shots well
beyond  the  arc  to 10-foot jump shots in the paint, every shot
attempt  has  been  redesigned  to provide more fluid, realistic
results.  Dunks  and lay-ups are now assigned to the same button
command  making  highlight  reel  plays  even easier to perform

The  NBA  goes  live: Player faces, team uniforms, and authentic
arenas  jump  to  life  behind the power of next-generation game
graphics.  Whether  you're  working on your game in the revamped
practice  gym,  or playing in front of a packed house, feel what
it's like to be an NBA superstar

Like  butter: Running at a smooth 60 frames per second, NBA LIVE
08  is  as close as you can get to the court, without dropping a
dime for courtside seats

1. Unpack
2. Install
3. Use keygen
4. Copy crack
5. Enjoy

Visa informacija, kaip paleisti zaidima yra .NFO faile!

Jūs žiūrite: NBA LIVE 08 treilerį.

Kategorija: PC Žaidimai | Pridėjo: -Guttas
Pažiurėjo: 2144 | Parsisiuntė: 170 | Vertinimas: 5.0/2
Iš viso komentarų: 0
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